
The following pages contain articles from our board members that aim to help people, and their loved ones, who experience breathing difficulties, either during activities of daily living or even at rest.

When you have shortness of breath caused by COPD, it’s hard to imagine embarking on a regimen of exercise training in a pulmonary rehabilitation class…

These techniques can also help those without a pulmonary problem who get short of breath when walking fast, and even for your children to try when they are running about or hiking…

Do you ever get so short of breath that you panic?

You have been breathing ever since you entered this world so why are you suddenly supposed to “learn” a new way to breathe?

A pulse oximeter works by shining a light onto the blood vessels in your finger nail and measuring the color of your blood…

Starting an exercise program can be very difficult. So why bother? Is it really worth it? You bet, it is!

Nutrition for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Summer vacations are upon us, and some of you have expressed concerns about going to higher altitudes, either by flying, or by driving up to the mountains…

Maybe you have been blaming your symptoms on getting older, or on being a couch potato, but your doctor would much rather see you for minor symptoms than have you wait until you are having a serious problem…

Smoking is a disease of the brain that causes its victim to inhale thousands of toxic chemicals over 200 times daily and find it to be a pleasurable experience…

If you have lung disease and are thinking about taking a vacation or traveling away from home, read our suggestions to help ensure your trip goes smoothly.