A Patient’s Experience in Clinical Trials for COPD Treatment

Exercise training, together with behavioral modification, have become the central focus of pulmonary rehabilitation. Increased exercise tolerance and increased habitual physical activity acting together can improve the lives of people with lung conditions.

In this video, posted on PERF’s new YouTube channel, Kurt Antonius, a COPD patient, talks about the life-improving experience of participating in a clinical trial at Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute in which exercise was practiced and tested over the course of many weeks.

  • Mary T. Webb
    Posted at 13:21h, 22 March Reply

    i’m so happy that I found this because I have been doing the opposite. I thought it was not good for me to exercise but I will now.

    • PERF
      Posted at 14:51h, 23 March Reply

      Mary, that is excellent news. The best of luck to you, and don’t be discouraged. Start slow and you should see a little improvement every week that you exercise. We urge you to look for a pulmonary rehabilitation program in your area so that you can receive assistance and supervision from trained staff.

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