American Health Journal 4-Minute Interview With Richard Casaburi

In this video interview, Richard Casaburi, PhD, MD, and President of PERF, explains the basics of COPD, therapies available, and especially the importance of rehabilitation in the treatment of COPD.  “Exercise doesn’t improve the lungs,” he says, “but it improves everything around them so that the patient is able to do more and feel better.” Dana Jones, a COPD patient, also talks on camera about the beneficial effects of rehabilitation on his own life as he copes with his COPD. “I have tremendous function loss in my lungs,” he says, “but exercise helps my body use oxygen better.”

Says Dr. Casaburi, “One of the most strong predictors of survival is how active you are in your everyday life.”

Click below to watch the video:

Richard Casaburi


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