Raise Awareness, Save Lives.
For just $35, you can fund a preventative COPD screening.

Help Us Reach Our Goal:
300 COPD Screenings

November is COPD Awareness Month

This November, PERF’s goal is to raise $10,500. That’s 300 screenings for previously undiagnosed, at-risk people.

Donate $35

you can fund one COPD screening

Donate $105

you can fund three COPD screenings

Donate $700

you can fund 20 COPD screenings

What are the Consequences if COPD is Left Untreated?

  • Shortness of breath, even at rest
  • Chronic cough and mucus production
  • Loss of energy and appetite
  • Weight loss, muscle wasting and weakened bones
  • Respiratory Inflections e.g. flu and pneumonia
  • Blood clots
  • Heart failure
  • Lung cancer
  • Early death

COPD is Chronically Undertreated

As many as half of people with COPD are undiagnosed.

That’s way too many men and women with a serious medical condition going untreated that reduces quality of life.

Currently, it is estimated that at least 30 million people in the United States suffer from chronic respiratory disease. This disease also has the grave distinction of increasing in the number of people affected every year.

Who is PERF?

The Pulmonary Education Research Foundation focuses on research, education and other support for COPD. Recently, we provided $7000 to the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute for their Screening, Education and Research Program.

This program performed over 900 spirometry tests, offered pulmonary health education and support resources, and provided additional assistance to the over 20% of participants that were shown to have a pulmonary obstruction.