COPD-Related Death Rates Improving For Men More Than For Women

Last fall the Centers for Disease Control released data on the death rates associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). For those between the ages of 65 and 84, the death rate for men with COPD declined by more than 20% over the last 10 years, but for women it declined only slightly, by just under 4%. Black women are an exception in this age group; for them, COPD-related deaths increased. Despite the larger decline in COPD-related death rates for men than for women, the rate for men still remains higher than for women.

For The Under-65 Crowd, COPD-Related Deaths Are On The Rise

In men and women younger than 65, on the other hand, COPD-related death rates increased. And for women (but not men) over age 85, the rate increased as well. The analysis of mortality rates was derived from National Vital Statistics System data. In the analysis, deaths considered to be COPD-related included all death records with COPD reported on the death certificate either as an underlying or contributing cause.

COPD As The Underlying Cause Of Death

COPD is the third leading cause of death in the United States; 15 million Americans have been diagnosed with the disease, and the CDC says that several million more have the disease but have not officially been diagnosed with it.

Among all deaths determined to be COPD-related, about 50% listed COPD as the underlying cause of death, while about 19% listed heart disease and 15% listed cancer as the cause.

Information for this article was obtained from MEDPAGE TODAY.


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