How To Protect Your Lungs During the California Wildfires

Those of you living within Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties are well aware of the many fires that are burning around us. As you know, smoke from wildfires damages air quality, which can adversely affect COPD patients more significantly than it does the general population. The South Coast Air Quality Management District has identified the following areas as suffering from the lowest air quality due to the fires at the time of this article’s publication. Check the AQMD website for updates on areas affected:

West San Fernando Valley (Forecast Area 6)
East San Fernando Valley (Forecast Area 7)
Southwest Los Angeles County Coastal (Forecast Area 3)
Northwest Los Angeles County Coastal (Forecast Area 2)

If you have COPD, it’s especially important to take measures to protect your lungs when air quality is compromised. The California Thoracic Society has published an excellent resource called “10 Tips For Staying Healthy During Wild Fires.” We recommend you read it now and take action to protect your health. Click here to read the article.

  • Devorah Curtis
    Posted at 08:48h, 14 December Reply

    I am unable to find where one clicks to read the article.

    • PERF
      Posted at 12:56h, 21 December Reply

      You’re quite right – the links dropped out somehow – thank you for letting us know! We’ve added them back in. You can now click the link in the article above to reach the 10 Tips article.

  • Mendo Bruce
    Posted at 12:00h, 14 December Reply

    link doesn’t work

    • PERF
      Posted at 12:57h, 21 December Reply

      Thank you for letting us know! We’ve corrected the missing links problem. You can now click through from the linked text above.

  • Dorothy Ferrington
    Posted at 08:16h, 15 December Reply

    Above article cites “10 Tips For Staying Healthy During Wild Fires.” We recommend you read it now and take action to protect your health. Click here to read the article.” There is no place to Click here to read the article from the California Thoracic Society. Can you help?

    • PERF
      Posted at 12:59h, 21 December Reply

      Sorry about that, Dorothy, and thank you for letting us know. The links have now been restored. Please click on them above to reach the 20 Tips article and the air quality website.

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