Is It Worth Moving to a Different Altitude to Relieve the Symptoms of COPD?

If you have COPD and live at a high altitude, such as in Denver, should you consider pulling up roots and moving somewhere closer to sea level? Will such a move help you avoid, or at least postpone, the need to use oxygen?

The simple answer is yes. The lower the altitude, the richer the mix of oxygen in the air. A move from a high altitude to a significantly lower altitude will very likely lessen your need for an oxygen tank to deal with COPD. On the basis of your need for oxygen, it makes sense to move.

The real-life answer, however, may be different. You’ll need to consider many other factors such as the support system where you currently live, the friends you’ll be leaving behind, and how much you love your current location versus the one you’re considering. These factors affect your emotional health and your happiness, which in turn can have an effect on your physical health. Happier, generally, is healthier.

Climate must be considered as well. Increased humidity, for example, can exacerbate other conditions you may have, such as bronchieactasis. Consider also the caliber of medical care in each locale.

It’s important to be aware of the big picture – your overall physical health and how happy you’ll be living in your prospective versus your current location – as well as the oxygen levels in the air, when considering how a move may help you manage the symptoms of COPD. Discuss the pros and cons with your doctor before you make a final decision.

  • Alfred Bergbauer
    Posted at 09:31h, 15 September Reply

    I suffer from COPD and scarring of lung tissue caused by Scleroderma. I live in PA and am considering a visit to Longmont CO which has an altitude of 1529. Not sure if this presents a potential breathing problem.

    • PERF
      Posted at 13:37h, 24 September Reply

      Dear Alfred,

      How wise of you to consider this potential problem when you are suffering from the double whammy of both COPD and scleroderma! There are several things that need to be considered. First, make an appointment with your pulmonologist to discuss the extent of your current lung problem, blood oxygen level and ability to tolerate higher altitudes. Ask for copies of your last pulmonary function test and arterial blood gasses to take with you on your trip. If necessary he or she can do a high altitude test to see how your body and oxygen levels react to various levels of altitude.

      While an altitude of 1,520 ft probably would not cause a problem, there are several other factors involved. I assume you currently live substantially below that level? Are you planning to fly or to drive? When you fly, the pressure inside the airplane can be as low as that seen at 10,000 ft (but usually at about 8,000 ft) for part of the flight. You might check with the airline, if you are flying, to see how long you would be at that attitude. Will you need supplemental oxygen for that short time of high elevation or can you maintain an adequate oxygen level with good pursed lip breathing (PLB)? Your doctor needs to help you decide that. Do you have an oximeter to check your oxygen levels and have you been taught PLB? Both would greatly help. When you get to your destination you also need to consider if you will be driving around, since much of beautiful Colorado is at a much higher altitude. Denver, for instance, is over 5,000 ft.

      I suggest you check the articles in our website under Chronic Respiratory Disease 101 for information on breathing techniques, altitude, oximeters etc. all of which could be of interest to you. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to give you a simple answer, as you might have hoped, but I hope I have provided enough information to keep you out of trouble and help you enjoy a great visit. Feel free to ask any more questions you may think of after seeing your pulmonologist.

      Good luck, and best wishes for a wonderful trip,

      ~ Mary Burns, RN, BS
      (Ret) Assistant Clinical Professor, School of Nursing, UCLA

    • Ronald Keith EBY
      Posted at 12:45h, 15 February Reply

      Thats meters not feet! Nothing in Colorado is 1500 ft

  • Rex Layfield
    Posted at 10:32h, 08 February Reply

    To: Alfred Bergbauer. I live in the Fort Collins, CO area (in foothills @ 7,000 feet); which is a few miles north of Longmont, Co. Please note that the elevation of Longmont is closer to 5,000 feet than the 1,520 feet you mentioned. Fort Collins elevation is about 4,900 feet, and the elevations tend increase as one travels south. I too have COPD and struggle with breathing difficulties, even at rest (age 74).
    We are planning on relocating to a lower elevation (Arizona or Texas) to help with my breathing issues and to escape the long, cold winters.

    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,
    Rex Layfield

    • PERF
      Posted at 16:27h, 08 February Reply

      Dear Rex,

      Thanks so much for providing this information to Alfred. You bring up a good point for anyone with respiratory disease whom might be concerned about visiting or living at altitude. When we read Alfred’s message we assumed that the altitude he mentioned for Longmont, CO was measured in feet. In fact, Alfred probably was referring to 1519 meters, which is almost 5,000 feet; more like the altitudes you mention for the area.

      This mixup reminds me of the story of the Mars Climate Orbiter. A very simple misunderstanding between English and US units of measurement caused the orbiter to crash, spectacularly, into the surface of Mars (! That might have been a very expensive mistake for NASA, but its a good lesson for all of us not to assume that the information you get is correct – especially when your health is concerned.

      When we Googled the altitude of Longmont CO, we read that the elevation is 4,984 ft (1,519 m) above sea level. As you point out it can quickly could get much higher in the surrounding foothills. During a visit, Alfred might have assumed he was going to visit 4,984 ft for the whole time, but if he was to drive around the area, he might have needed to climb to higher altitudes still. In some mountain communities, it may be very difficult to avoid short excursions to higher altitudes depending on where the roads are built. Patients with breathing difficulties should be prepared for such eventualities when planning a trip, such as making sure there is a supply of oxygen available and/or carrying extra batteries for a concentrator. For patients with COPD, good technique purse-lip breathing can also raise your oxygen saturation (see our website for more info on breathing techniques:

      At 5,000 ft, even if Alfred stayed in the city, it would greatly impact his breathing. Going higher could make breathing even more difficult. As you are finding out yourself, this may prompt some major life decisions, such as you are considering to move to lower elevation.

      Thanks so much for reading this response to our blog and adding some very worthwhile information. It is greatly appreciated.

      Best wishes in your new location,

      Mary Burns, RN, BS
      Harry Rossiter, PhD

    • Nicole B
      Posted at 12:49h, 07 October Reply

      Hi Rex. I just came across this page and your post. I just moved up from South Texas to Fort Collins area. Texas is certainly lower elevation BUT….the high heat and humidity is horrible!! If you can stay indoors in the air conditioning it’s fine. I am finding it harder to breathe here. I have stage 4 COPD. I almost want to move back but that heat…ugh! Might try a different state. Best of luck to you.

  • Scott Hays
    Posted at 14:12h, 19 July Reply

    You have probably already figured this out, but in feet: it is roughly at 5000′. not sure, but the 1529 might be meters. I live at about the same altitude in Colorado, and have progressively been having more difficulties. But O2 will definitely help you. Especially if you head up to somewhere like Rocky Mtn National Park

    • PERF
      Posted at 13:01h, 20 July Reply

      Dear Scott,

      Yes, you are correct. Meters vs feet can be confusing as well as important, especially in a country like America with altitudes that vary from the bottom of Death Valley to the top of the Rockies. This topic is always worth mentioning again and we appreciate both your interest and your comments.

      Mary Burns, RN, BS

  • Candice Voorhees
    Posted at 16:33h, 30 July Reply

    I have a question
    My momma and I are trying to move in January and take my uncle with us he has COPD and we are trying to figure out what state by the sea would be the best State to move to that would be better breathing quality for him. Does anyone have any suggestions ??? Thank you..

    • PERF
      Posted at 09:39h, 10 August Reply

      Dear Candice,

      Unfortunately, there is no one answer best for everyone. The severity of your uncle’s COPD is not clear from your message, or why you have decided a state by the sea would be the best place for his breathing. Proximity to the sea does not necessarily equate with good air quality or better breathing – just look at the port of Los Angeles, close to where we are based! Also, there are a great many other factors to consider. The cost and quality of medical care, the cost of housing and living, air quality, humidity, and even traffic are just a few things to consider. Pollen count and allergies vary from place to place. Sometimes this can be a problem you never thought of before. Because I am so convinced of the value of pulmonary rehabilitation I would also go where good programs are available. Being near a big medical center can also be a plus. Remember, all these factors can vary from city to city in the same state!

      Since good quality medical care is one of your prime considerations, be sure to ask your pulmonologist for advice and suggestions also.

      If you have a general area in mind, research on Google all these various things on the area you are interested in.

      COVID-19 is the big problem right now, but you are wise to start making plans for when life is hopefully back to normal. Then, perhaps most important of all, before you make such a big decision, visit that area you like best, and stay there for a week or two before your final decision on where to move!

      Best wishes,

      Mary Burns, RN, BS

    • Jeffrey Malone
      Posted at 03:04h, 16 April Reply

      Hello Candice. Living by the salt air is Great for people with COPD or any Breathing issues. I live in Hawaii which they say is one of the Best air qualities around. Lets Add the Humidity and that all goes bye bye. I was thinking of moving to AZ but the (DRY) heat and the Nasty Dirty air isn’t good For my Stage 4 COPD. Los Angeles and surrounding areas are also Humid and the air Quality isn’t that great either. Just Google Map the areas you are thinking about and check all the Weather issues, Humidity, Heat, Cold, Elevation. I have been looking for a couple years and have not found a State that Checks all the Boxes. Good Luck!

  • Elaine Friedmar
    Posted at 21:06h, 18 October Reply

    Where are good cities to live in if you have breathing difficulties. I am 78 years young but am limited with my breathing condition

    • PERF
      Posted at 13:30h, 28 October Reply

      Dear Elaine,

      You don’t say where you are living now or how serious your condition is. Have you discussed this idea of moving with your physician and gotten an opinion or recommendation from your pulmonologist? A year ago I would have elaborated on the article you are reading on “Moving to a Different Altitude” etc. but I’m afraid climate change and COVID-19 have changed everything. Forest fires, floods, droughts, pollution, traffic and especially COVID-19 are the first things now to be considered. That ideal location is not so ideal if you need to remain in isolation for an unknown length of time. You also need to consider access to medical care, and medical reimbursement which varies from area to area. All these things are additional reasons for having a talk with your pulmonologist after you do a bit of research yourself.

      But it is not all bad. Before you move I would urge you to first do what you can to improve your current situation. Have you asked your doctor if there is a pulmonary rehabilitation program in your area that you could attend? A few are beginning to open up again with zoom classes, while smaller classes with new social distancing are also trying to open, especially as reimbursement is becoming more available in some areas. If you still have the urge to move, please first take a 3 or 4 week “vacation” in the area you are considering to see how you like it.

      We wish you the very best of luck! Feel free to write again if there is something else you have questions about.

      Warm regards,

      Mary Burns, RN, BS

  • Mark wallengren
    Posted at 18:08h, 15 March Reply

    My 92 year old mother lives in Santa Fe, NM at 7,200 ft elevation. I understand air quality in cities at lower levels will not much help because of environmental pollution and I plan to do further research. What I’m having trouble trying to find is information on what altitudes to consider based on a woman who, at 7,200 ft, needs to be on an oxygen concentrator 24/7. How much better off would she be at 4200 feet, 3000 feet, etc? Could she reduce time on the concentrator by a few hours, several hours or eliminate all together? A little background. She never smoked but her late husband did and she had a tremendous amount of secondhand exposure while living in the Los Angeles area in the 70s and 80s. She’s been dealing with high blood pressure on and off (now mostly on taking a moderately low amount of medications). It wasn’t until her early mid 80s that the doctor prescribed a concentrator for her at night only. She lives a sedentary lifestyle and now needs to be on oxygen full-time. Any advice or recommendations for places to research would be greatly appreciated. Thank you kindly.

    • PERF
      Posted at 20:13h, 16 March Reply

      Dear Mark,

      I am afraid I cannot give you an answer to this question since so much depends on a more detailed knowledge of your mother’s condition. Only her pulmonologist can begin to give you the information you need. He/she, or the local pulmonary department at the hospital, may be able to do a test that will measure what her oxygen level will be at various altitudes, or whether she would even continue to need supplemental oxygen if she moved to sea level.

      There are other things to consider. First of all how does she feel about moving to a different area? Will she be able to go someplace where she has family and friends who will be able to visit her on a regular basis? Are you planning on an assisted living facility or is she able to care for herself and do her own cooking and cleaning? What about someone to drive her to the store or to medical visits, which should be near by? Has she completed her full COVID-19 vaccination? Are you able to go to an area with good medical care and hospitals nearby? You will need the name of a good pulmonologist who can monitor her pulmonary and blood pressure needs.

      You obviously are a loving son wanting what is best for your mother. I am sure you have already given a great deal of thought to all this. But air quality is probably not the most important thing for you to consider; although it is much improved here in the Los Angeles area since she lived here! You have many other things to consider before you proceed, most important being her wishes. This will be a very stressful move especially with the COVID-19 pandemic still raging, her medical condition and her age. Talk to your mother and to her pulmonologist more about this before you make any decisions.

      I am sure all this is very hard on you also, so please let your mother and her doctor help you with this important decision. Feel free to write again if there is some specific information you may need.

      With very best wishes,

      Mary Burns, RN, BS

      • Mark Wallengren
        Posted at 22:17h, 16 March Reply

        Thank you for your response. All the other considerations you mentioned have been discussed in great depth with my mother and the rest of our siblings. Her wanting to move to a lower altitude is her idea. At this point it’s not a matter of whether she’ll live in an assisted living facility or at home with live-in help. It’s all simply about altitude and the ability to potentially not rely on a concentrator full time. After we discover the answer to that question we can look for areas which, of course, take into consideration health providers nearby and the other obvious issues you briefly touched on. The reason I mentioned Los Angeles and pollution is that in another inquiry your response seemed to indicate air quality in an area should indeed be a consideration. As I’m sure you’re well aware while Los Angeles air quality has improved it’s still some of the worst in the nation. We will check with the pulmonologist and see if there’s some kind of testing available. Thank you.

  • Dee Haffner
    Posted at 19:10h, 19 September Reply

    I live in Pinellas County Florida with an elevation of about 33 ft that’s close to Clearwater Beach. I’m getting kind of tired of the hurricane threats although I’ve been here for 59 years and we have never actually been hit. It’s getting a little too active for me so I am thinking about moving to Ocala where the breathing is still good I’m still close enough to the ocean to be able to breathe well and I don’t have to worry so much about the hurricane activity. I love Florida yes it is muggy and hot but at least in Ocala we have seasons. My recommendation I love Florida move in Northern Florida and you should enjoy.

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    Posted at 16:27h, 11 November Reply

    […] the most popular, such as “How to Increased Blood Oxygen Levels”, “Alcohol and COPD” or “Is It Worth Moving to a Different Altitude to Relieve the Symptoms of COPD?”, to the unexpected, such as “Sex Despite Breathing […]

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