Leonard Nimoy Still A Force – for COPD Awareness and Treatment

Leonard Nimoy still lives on as a force for the improvement of outcomes for COPD patients; his daughter Julie Nimoy is developing a documentary to help COPD sufferers, in honor of her father who also suffered from the disease. PERF is proud to announce that she has asked PERF President Richard Casaburi, PhD, MD, a lead researcher at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute (LA BioMed), to serve as medical adviser for the film. Nimoy, known world-wide as the beloved character Spock in the “Star Trek” series, died Feb. 27, 2015 from complications associated with COPD.

The younger Nimoy believes that the latest treatment options would have benefited her father tremendously, and she is on a quest to share those advances and treatments with the world using film, the medium that proved so powerful in the hands of the elder Nimoy. Together with her co-producer, husband David Knight, she will include the latest advances and treatments available today in the documentary, and Dr. Casaburi will be the source of information as medical adviser for the project.

Dr. Casaburi is widely recognized as one of the leaders in COPD research worldwide. He holds the Alvin Grancell/Mary Burns Endowed Chair in the Rehabilitative Sciences and leads pulmonary rehabilitation research at LA BioMed. He has received many honors for his work and has delivered more than 500 invited lectures and authored more than 260 publications and 240 abstracts; most deal with research seeking to improve the lives of COPD patients.

  • Audhild Hjalmarsen
    Posted at 00:05h, 05 June Reply

    Greetings to Mary Burns and Dr. Casaburi.
    I am still interested in receiving perf2ndwind.

    • PERF Webmaster
      Posted at 16:12h, 23 June Reply

      That’s wonderful! We’ll keep you on our email list. Please check your email weekly for the latest news and updates from PERF.

    Posted at 14:18h, 27 August Reply

    Hi, I saw the special on PBS on Sunday about Leonard Nimoy battle with CPOD and the following day I QUIT COLD TURKEY!

    • PERF
      Posted at 20:11h, 27 August Reply

      Dear Rinaldo,

      That is wonderful!! We really appreciate you sharing that achievement with us. Dr. Casaburi enjoyed working with the Nimoy family on Leonard’s COPD story. But as an ex-smoker let me warn you; don’t be over confident the first few months, or even longer than that! It is so easy to have just that one cigarette, when you get into a stressful situation. As Mark Twain said, “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” But congratulations on your great achievement, and thanks again for letting us know.

      Mary Burns, RN, BS

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