November Is COPD Awareness Month

This is the month when the COPD Foundation celebrates COPD Awareness Month, an internationally recognized annual event to make more people aware of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Both the COPD foundation and various respiratory health organizations are hosting online and in-person activities to  inform, encourage, and support COPD community members and their families, friends, and loved ones.

One of the best ways you can help to build COPD awareness is to share these facts on your Facebook page, LinkedIn account, Twitter account, in your emails, or just in conversation with others:

  • Every four minutes, someone in the U.S. dies of COPD
  • COPD causes 285,000 emergency hospitalizations annually in the U.S.
  • Approximately one in five Americans over the age of 45 lives with COPD

This year’s rally cry and theme for COPD Awareness Month is “Go Orange.” You can post a photo of anyone wearing orange to the COPD360socialcommunity, using the hashtag #GoOrange.  Here’s where to post, and find more information about the “Go Orange” campaign: Take the #GoOrange challenge and post your photo and share the facts with your friends and family.

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