PERF Fundraiser Off to A Great Start. Please Help Us Reach Our Goal!

fundraiser progress thermometer $1,675About two weeks ago we launched a fundraiser to raise the money needed to purchase two pieces of equipment to use in our research laboratory, a recipient of PERF funds. The needed state-of-the-art machines are a wireless oximeter used to record pulse rate and pulse oximetry during 6-minute and shuttle walk tests, and a hand-held spirometer to measure forced vital capacity (FVC) and the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) in patients. This equipment is to advance screening, testing and research for COPD patients while optimizing resources and staff time.

PERF needs $10,000 to purchase this equipment. We’re off to a good start: $1,675 raised so far! Thank you to the generous donors who responded to our outreach right away.

Will you help too? It’s easy: Just click the “DONATE” button at the top of PERF’s Facebook page and give what you can. Also, please write “instruments” in the note section on the donation form. Thank you!

Click here to visit PERF Facebook page and make your donation.

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