PERF Monthly Newsletter – August 2018

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Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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How Does Medicare Cover Lung Transplants?

[Editor’s Note: Following is a guest post published this month on our blog.]

By Danielle Kunkle Roberts

A lung transplant is a complicated complex surgery to remove a sick lung and replace it with a healthy lung obtained from an organ donor. This type of surgery can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars with the end goal being that it can extend life and recover easier breathing for someone with a chronic illness. Qualifying for a transplant is not a simple thing. There are many more candidates than there are available organs. This leads to a number of qualification criteria, including age, physical condition, and personal support systems.

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Lung Health and Respiratory Challenges When You Live Near A Fire

Only last October, we published two articles to help those suffering from lung disease who lived in one of the many wildfire areas that were burning throughout California. Unfortunately, those articles bear repeating here, because fires are raging once again throughout the state. So to protect your lungs and avoid unnecessary exacerbations if you live anywhere near a fire, please read on:

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Grilling Season’s A Good Time To Try More Spices, Less Salt

Everyone needs to ingest a certain amount of sodium for the healthy functions of the body, but too much can be bad for your health, especially if you have high blood pressure. Luckily, it’s grilling season; a perfect time to try all kinds of herbs and spices to liven up your food.Herbs and Spices to Try

Here is a list of herbs and spices that can add a lot of flavor to your food, along with suggested uses for them:

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