PERF Monthly Newsletter – July 2018

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JULY 2018

Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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Weight Training with COPD

[Editor’s Note: Following is a reprint of an article published a number of years ago on the PERF website.]

By Tom Storer, Ph.D. 

Hello from the Strength Lab. Last time, we talked about the value of resistance exercise training (weight training) for pulmonary patients as part of a comprehensive program of pulmonary rehabilitation. This follow-up presents more on strength training, specifically the considerations in structuring a resistance training program for people with COPD. Surprisingly, not a lot is known about the optimal design of weight training programs for this application. While it is well acknowledged that muscle atrophy and the accompanying decline in physical function does accompany lung disease, guidelines for specifically rehabilitating muscle in patients with lung disease are lacking.

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What If You Decide on Comfort Care Instead of Curative Medical Treatment?

You might have heard that former first lady Barbara Bush opted, at the end of her life, to stop receiving curative-focused medical care. She made the decision to return home, where she would receive comfort care. What does comfort care mean, exactly?

Broadly speaking, comfort care consists of the administration of drugs or other treatments that focus on pain relief, symptom control, and maintaining or enhancing quality of life.

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Avoid Allergy Triggers; They Can Worsen Your Lung Condition

You can’t prevent flowers from blooming, but if you have allergies, you’d probably love to be able to do just that sometimes. Too bad you can’t, but there are ways you can reduce your exposure to allergy triggers. Try these tactics next time allergy season rolls around:

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Use of CT Analysis, Not Just Airflow Limitations, in COPD Assessment

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) isn’t a “one-symptom” disease. It used to be thought that COPD was mainly a function of airflow limitation; now it’s well accepted that the disease is made up of a combination of causes and symptoms.

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