PERF Monthly Newsletter – March 2018

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MARCH 2018

Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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Fake News and Real News About the Flu

If you surveyed a hundred people about the flu vaccine, it’s almost guaranteed that you’d get a split in beliefs about its efficacy or its safety. Some are all for it; some believe it’s dangerous; some don’t know what to think.

What’s real? What’s “fake news?”

In a recent article in Aging Care, Marlo Sollitto compiled the latest information about the flu vaccine and debunked several common myths about its effectiveness and/or its dangers.


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Richard Casaburi Honored by CHEST

We’re thrilled to learn that Richard Casaburi, Ph.D., M.D., and President of PERF, has been chosen to receive the prestigious CHEST 2018 Thomas L. Petty, MD, Master FCCP Memorial Lecture Award. He will deliver the Memorial Lecture at the CHEST annual meeting in San Antonio on October 8th. CHEST is the American College of Chest Physicians, a medical association in the United States consisting of physicians and non-physician specialists in the field of chest medicine, which includes pulmonology, critical care medicine, and sleep medicine. Watch our blog for further news about the award and the address that Dr. Casaburi will deliver at the CHEST award ceremony later this year.




Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week Is March 11-17

It’s time to celebrate the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) annual National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week. Contact your hospital, exercise facility, or outpatient rehabilitation center to see if they have any special events planned.  If not, make your own celebration: visit the gym, take a walk, commit to doing just a little bit more activity every day to increase your fitness level and your overall health.

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Did You Know the Flu Can Trigger an Asthma Attack?

As if the flu weren’t bad enough, did you know that it also can pose an extra danger for those who suffer from asthma? Yes, the flu will not only make you sick; it can trigger an asthma attack, and if this happens, your regular asthma medications may not relieve the asthma symptoms that flare up. On top of that bad news is the fact that when you have the flu, your related asthma symptoms could last for several days or even weeks.

So what should you do?

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Zinc and Echinacea – Good For Your Cold?

In an article on the Mayo Clinic website, Brent A. Bauer, M.D. discusses whether zinc will help, hurt, or do nothing to affect the severity of your symptoms when you come down with a cold.

The answer to the question is: Maybe – but beware.

Several studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of zinc against cold symptoms, and there has been some indication that it helps.  But unfortunately, the studies that have been conducted have been small and have used different forms (lozenges and syrups), different dosages of zinc, and different durations of treatment.

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