PERF Monthly Newsletter – May 2017

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MAY 2017

Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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Key Nutrients for COPD

Peter Kendall, a reader of our blog who hails from Australia, posted a comment to our post, “Nutrition and COPD: 5 Types of Food to Avoid,” asking what are the key nutrients for COPD?

We thought it a very good question, and turned it over to board member Mary Burns, RN, BS, who wrote this response:

Unfortunately there is no specific diet for preventing or improving pulmonary disease that I have ever heard of. The basic Mediterranean diet is usually suggested along with watching sodium intake. However, modifications are needed for individual problems.

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Dr. Harry Rossiter Talks About The Benefits of Exercise For COPD Patients

Recently Dr. Harry Rossiter of the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center gave a talk to the PEP Pioneers group at Little Company of Mary Hospital, about the importance of maintaining physical activity, especially for those suffering from COPD. He shared some illuminating information on just how much physical activity is needed to maintain fitness.

…Watch the video



An Overview of Pulmonary Rehabilitation

When you have shortness of breath caused by COPD, it’s hard to imagine embarking on a regimen of pulmonary rehabilitation. After all, if you’re frequently out of breath, particularly when exerting yourself, how can you exercise? Even if you’ve been told that exercise will improve the symptoms caused by COPD, pulmonary hypertension, or interstitial lung disease, how can you perform the actual exercise you should be doing, without running out of breath before you accomplish anything?

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How to Prepare For and Manage Sudden Breathlessness

Dyspnea – or shortness of breath – can be distressing, especially for those with lung disease. We found a very useful video by The American Thoracic Society that can help you cope when you find yourself becoming short of breath. In it, Lynn Reinke, PhD, of the VA Puget Sound Healthcare System, talk about how to prepare for, and manage, dyspnea.

…Watch the video



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