PERF Monthly Newsletter – November 2017

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Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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November is COPD Awareness Month

In honor of COPD Awareness Month, we’d like to share this informative flyer created by the COPD Foundation:

COPD Awareness Month flyer

…Read the flyer


Life Hacks For The COPD Patient: 8 Ways to Simplify Your Daily Life

You know that when you have COPD, daily tasks that seem almost effortless for others can cause you to become short of breath. Perhaps you’ve decided that that’s just the way it is, and you have to live with it.

Not really. With your COPD in mind, you can plan a few alterations in the way that you do things in order to avoid taxing your breathing. Here are 8 ideas to think about incorporating into your daily habits:

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Are Your “Regular Colds” Really Allergies?

Do you have a cold right now? Did you have one last fall? Think back over the times that you had colds in the past several years – always in the spring or fall? If so, maybe you’re not catching a cold every change of seasons. Maybe you have seasonal allergies.

According to James M. Steckelberg, M.D., you should consider that you may have allergies if you tend to get colds at the same time every year and if these “colds” seem to develop suddenly. It’s important to know whether you’re getting colds or you have allergies because they’re very different illnesses. Because the symptoms of both colds and allergies can cause coughing and congestion, it’s especially important If you have COPD to know what you’re dealing with and to treat it correctly.

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What You Can Do to Control Your Asthma – video

Many people believe that only children have asthma, or that if you have asthma, you eventually outgrow it. But that’s not true, says Susan Janson, Ph.D. Many adults have the disease and are chronically affected by its classic symptoms: wheezing, shortness of breath, and tightness of the chest.

Dr. Janson’s Rules of Advice for Dealing With Your Asthma

…Watch the video



Vaccine Recommendations For Adults With COPD

Perhaps you’re careful to get a regular flu vaccination every fall, but have you kept up with other vaccinations that may be beneficial for you? As we age, and particularly if we have a chronic disease such as COPD, our risks change for diseases such as pneumonia and hepatitis B. When you were younger, or before you were diagnosed with COPD, perhaps you weren’t advised to get vaccines against these diseases. Now, however, they may be recommended for your health and safety. Dr. Raymond Strikas, medical officer in the National Center for Immunization & Respiratory Diseases, says that patients with chronic conditions such as lung disease are at increased risk of developing serious complications from vaccine-preventable diseases, including long-term illness, hospitalization, and even death.

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Small Donations Can Have a Big Impact: Amazon Smile and Giving Assistant

PERF has now registered with two new programs that make it possible for you to donate to the important research that our medical staff at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute (LABioMed) conducts all year long, without actually digging into your own pocket for the funds we will receive. Both programs allow you to shop online for products as you normally do, with the only difference being that a small portion of your purchase price is donated by the shopping portal to a charity of your choice. These programs cost the user nothing; the donations are made by the shopping portal or merchants who participate. Following are the two programs you can use to turn your online shopping into a cost-free opportunity to donate to PERF.

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