PERF Monthly Newsletter – November 2018

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Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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Better Breathers Club this Wednesday, Nov. 14

The next Better Breathers Club is scheduled for November 14. The featured speaker will be Dr. Rachelle Bross, who is a PhD-trained dietician, researcher and olive farmer. She will be presenting on The Mediterranean Diet: Learn and Taste. The presentation will include a demonstration of a Thanksgiving inspired entrée that incorporates the principles of the Mediterranean diet.

…Click here for full details

Tailoring Treatment of COPD [VIDEO]

In this video about tailoring therapies to improve the lives of COPD patients, David Au, M.D. talks about improvements in the treatment of COPD, due in part to the number of therapies that are available and also due in no small measure to the patient engagement that some of these therapies involve. Laura Feemster, M.D. adds that medical providers are learning to focus on the patients’ symptoms and exacerbation frequency rather than simply the severity of airflow obstruction.

…Read the article & watch the video

Lung Cancer Mortality Decreased by Early Screenings

What if one simple thing could decrease your mortality risk from lung cancer by 26%? Or by 61%? Amazingly, a screening chest CT scan can lower mortality by 26% for men and by 61% for women, according to a large randomized European study called NELSON.

Harry J. de Koning, MD, Ph.D., of Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, reported the results of the study at the World Conference on Lung Cancer.

…Click here to read the article

Preventing and Treating Exacerbations [VIDEO]

A COPD exacerbation can be defined as an increase in symptoms above the day-to-day variability that a patient normally experiences, that requires a change in therapy. In simple terms, it is a COPD “flare-up.” Frequent exacerbations are associated with poorer health, disease progression, and increased mortality; in short, they negatively affect overall quality of life.

…Read the article & watch the video

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