PERF Monthly Newsletter – September 2017

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Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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Flu Vaccinations – Ultra Important for Those With COPD

It’s the season again: Time to gear up for the colder weather and the arrival of a new wave of influenza. As you probably know, influenza viruses usually circulate widely in the United States from late fall through early spring. Most people will recover from the flu if they catch the virus, but people in high-risk groups can become seriously ill or even die. If you’re over 50 or you have a chronic pulmonary disorder such as COPD, you fall into the high-risk category.

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Does Self-Management Education Improve COPD Patient Outcomes?

Recently the Quebec Respiratory Health Education Network conducted a study to determine if a self-management education program with coaching will improve patient outcomes for people with COPD, and also if it will lead to practice changes in primary care for these patients.

COPD Patient Education In the Study

In the study, COPD patients from six family medicine clinics participated in a one-year educational program that focused on adherence to treatment, inhaler techniques, following an exacerbation action plan, and smoking cessation.

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If You’re Considering Stem Cell Treatment for Your COPD, Be Careful!

You’ve probably seen the ads or the comments on Facebook or blogs: “You should try stem cell therapy for your COPD. It worked for me.”

There are two reasons to be careful about seeking stem cell treatment for your COPD.

Stem Cell Therapy for COPD Is Not A Proven Treatment

First, stem cell therapy has not been proven an effective treatment for COPD. While we’re not saying that it will never be effective, like many therapies under development, it deserves study. But for now, it is unproven.

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Drop in Teen Use of e-Cigarettes Seems to Correlate with Drop in Teen Smoking

Good news: The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) reports that tobacco use nationwide dropped to a new low last year, and simultaneously, teen vaping, i.e. teen’s use of e-cigarettes, fell sharply. FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb commented that the CDC data are encouraging.

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