PERF Monthly Newsletter – April 2016

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Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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You Can’t Manufacture Happiness – Or Can You?

When you’re doing your best to deal with a chronic condition such as COPD, it can happen sometimes that you lose sight of the bigger picture in your life. Your sense of happiness can be lost in the shuffle. So how can you bring it back?

According to an article by the Mayo Clinic staff, life circumstances play only a part – and not necessarily a major part – in an individual’s sense of happiness. There’s quite a bit of evidence to show that the determining factor is the person’s attitude, thoughts, and behaviors. In other words, people who have wealth, beauty, or the gift of good health are not necessarily happier than those who do not.

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Nutrition and COPD: 5 Types of Food to Avoid

You’ve no doubt heard of nutrition as a factor in improving energy levels, healing, strength, and joint health, but did you know that nutrition may be a factor in how well you cope with COPD?

People with COPD come in a variety of body sizes. Like many Americans, many people with COPD are overweight. This adds to the effort (and shortness of breath) associated with activity…and keeping active is very important. On the other hand, as COPD progresses, some people lose weight, a process known as “cachexia.” Both ends of the spectrum are bad places to be. Good nutrition is one (but not the only) measure that can help maintain good health.

Any old source of calories won’t do. The better the quality and nutritional value of the food you put in your body, the more benefits you’ll get out of the food. Here are some foods to avoid.

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Top Nutrients That Help With COPD

Last week we talked about foods that COPD sufferers should avoid because either they don’t contribute good nutritional value to the diet, or they actually can contribute to a worsening of COPD symptoms.

This week we’re talking about the good stuff; nutrients to make sure you consume on a regular basis. The better your diet and the more balanced and valuable your nutrition, the better you will fare as you live with COPD.

Here are the nutrients you should make a regular part of your diet, and the reasons why:

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COPD In Pictures

Did you know that, in the United States, the vast majority of COPD sufferers are Caucasian – or that more women now have been diagnosed with COPD than men? Do you know the prime age for being diagnosed with COPD? (It is 55-74 years.)

The National Institutes of Health has created a very instructive infographic on the incidence of COPD across several demographic measures



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