PERF Monthly Newsletter – January 2016

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Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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Oxygen Safety – What You Need to Know

Oxygen provides tremendous benefits for you as a COPD patient, but oxygen tanks can also be dangerous. Keep these safety considerations in mind:

Prepare for emergencies: If you use a stationary concentrator, tell your power company that you use oxygen, and always keep a back-up tank on hand in case the power goes out.

Oxygen is not flammable, but makes flammable substances burn more vigorously.  To prevent accidents, don’t smoke while you use oxygen. Of course, it’s better for you if you quit smoking altogether, but if you arestill a smoker, then do not smoke near any oxygen supply.

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Are You Willing to Share Your Hospitalization Experience?

If you’ve been hospitalized recently or readmitted within 30 days of a hospitalization, would you be willing to share your experiences with the COPD Foundation? The COPD Foundation is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to prevent and cure COPD disease and to improve the lives of people affected by COPD. They’re seeking to learn more about the challenges, setbacks, concerns, and experiences from the COPD patient’s point of view, especially as those experiences relate to the series of events that resulted in your hospitalization. The COPD Foundation is seeking to identify ways to improve health outcomes for COPD patients, especially those who experience frequent hospitalizations.

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Daily Online Reporting Helps Early Detection of Worsening COPD Symptoms

A team led by researchers from Temple University in Philadelphia conducted a 320-day evaluation of 30 patients who reported their COPD symptoms daily using an online digital health application. They concluded that such reporting can not only facilitate early detection and treatment of COPD exacerbations, but lessen the severity of the episodes. Following are the highlights of the study, as reported in COPD News Today.

Worsening symptoms (also called “flare-ups” or exacerbations) often lead to extra visits to the doctor, emergency department treatments, and hospitalizations. If the time from symptom onset to treatment can be shortened, the severity of these events can be reduced by early medical intervention.

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The American Lung Association Is An Excellent Resource For Those With COPD

The American Lung Association is a good resource for support and education about COPD. It’s worth checking out their website to learn how much information they share and options they offer.  This can help you get involved with activities and online communities that can help you cope with COPD in your life.

For example, you can find listings of Better Breathers Clubs, which meet regularly and feature speakers on a variety of subjects such as  breathing techniques, how to talk with your physician about your concerns, using supplemental oxygen, and options in home healthcare.



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