PERF Monthly Newsletter – November 2015

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Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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Annual Report and Request for Your Support

We send our best wishes for the holiday season. We hope your year has been happy and healthy. It’s the time of year we try to update you on the goings on at PERF, the Pulmonary Education and Research Foundation.

We usually give our research activities as the lead story. This year is different. With Mary Burns and Janos Porszasz pushing the project along, we’ve undertaken a radical updating of our educational activities through our website. Have you been getting our weekly blogs in your inbox? This has been the work of Ann Voorhees Baker, who has taken on the work of overseeing the day-to-day website operations and corralling a series of informational pieces on a wide range of issues related to COPD. Please visit and click on the “join our mailing list” link to sign up for the weekly blog. Or simply click here to join directly.

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About Flu Shots (Again)

We all know that a flu shot can reduce your chance of getting sick from influenza this season, but did you know that the flu vaccine also may reduce the risk of flu-associated pneumonia? RT Magazine recently published an article on this subject.

Until now, the medical community wasn’t certain whether flu vaccines lower the risk of hospitalizations for pneumonia that develops from influenza, but the results of recent research confirm that the flu vaccine can do just that.

Over a period of two years, Dr. Carlos G. Grijalva of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and his colleagues studied hospitalizations for community-acquired pneumonia, using data from four different sites in the United States.

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Flu Season Again! How Can You Tell If It’s The Flu Or Just A Cough?

Flu is mostly spread through coughs and sneezes, which create respiratory droplets containing the virus. They float in the air for you to inhale, or they settle on something you then touch and eventually carry to your mouth

Your best everyday defense against all this contamination is frequent hand washing. Those little bottles of alcohol-based hand rubs are great for the times you can’t get at soap and water. The next defense, sad to say, is avoiding unnecessary contact with children. Lets face it. Even the cutest is not very careful about hand washing or avoiding friends equally disinterested in soap and water.


November is COPD Awareness Month

Not only is November COPD Awareness Month, November 18 is World COPD Day, an annual event organized by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) to improve awareness and care of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease around the world. This year’s theme is “It’s Not Too Late.”  The theme emphasizes the meaningful actions people can take at any stage before or after a COPD diagnosis to improve their respiratory health.



Please Donate to PERF and Help Keep Our Programs and Research Going


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Please join us to celebrate an important announcement!
Friday, December 11, 11:30-1:30


Click here for more information, speakers, and location

Please RSVP by December 8 to
(424) 201-3000 X7258 Letty Diaz


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