PERF Monthly Newsletter – October 2015

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Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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Getting More Out of Your Day

Being short of breath may slow you down and challenge your ability to be active in your daily life, but there are certain strategies that may help. Start with organizing your day. Plan only one major activity per day, such as shopping, going to the doctor, visiting with friends, etc. Manage your pace by alternating harder and easier tasks with rest between tasks.


Emphysema 101

We found a comprehensive article on the COPD Store website titled “The Beginners Guide to Emphysema,” that, in its thorough treatment of the subject, could be likened to an introductory course on the disease. The topics covered include statistics, resources, effects, causes and contributing factors, symptoms, progression of the disease, and more.



You May Need to Call 911 If…

It starts with a bad day. You might be wheezing more than usual, or feeling more tired in general than you usually do. You take your first course of action:

You try resting. You try breathing exercises. You use your rescue medicine.

Then you find that your rescue medicine isn’t working as well as it usually does.


“Take the Active Option”

The European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the European Lung Foundation (ELF) launched their “Healthy Lungs for Life” initiative at the ERS Congress, September 26-30 in Amsterdam. The program is the largest ever to raise awareness of the importance of lung health among patients with lung diseases, health care professionals, and researchers. It is hoped that the public and policy makers will also recognize that they have to take appropriate preventative steps (both primary and secondary) to prevent lung diseases.



Portable Oxygen Systems Essential for Patients with COPD

Oxygen therapy has been known or believed to benefit patients with several different illnesses since around the time of the American Revolution. Two major studies performed in the 1970’s, one in the USA and the other in the United Kingdom, showed that in patients whose blood oxygen level was low, administering oxygen improved their survival. Other studies demonstrated an improvement in quality of life. Recent studies showed that many of these patients could benefit from oxygen during exertion (like walking).


It’s Year-End – Please Donate To Our Annual Campaign!

Every year we launch an annual campaign to raise funds for PERF – to make it possible for us to support research in the field of pulmonary rehabilitation, conduct community education outreach, publish our informative blog posts, and send informational emails to patients, caregivers, and medical professionals interested in learning more about COPD. Please consider making a donation today – any amount will be greatly appreciated.

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