PERF Monthly Newsletter – September 2015

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Here is a roundup of the articles, news & updates that we've published on the PERF blog site during the past month. Click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of each excerpt to read the full article.

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The PELICAN Study Can Help You Improve Your Oxygen Use

Investigators at LA BioMed are pleased to be involved with the PELICAN Study – a research program designed to help improve the benefits of oxygen use among patients with COPD. The study is being conducted by the University of Illinois, Chicago, and is part of larger program called PCORI, (the Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute), which funds studies whose designs are influenced by patient input.

You might be eligible to participate in the PELICAN Study.

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14 Simple Strategies for Preventing and Managing COPD Flare-Ups

Did you know that, on average, 21% of COPD patients who are admitted to the hospital will be admitted again within 30 days of going home? You might be able to reduce those odds if you follow these 14 simple strategies for preventing repeat flare-ups.

  1. Participate in Pulmonary Rehab –  If you’re not already involved in a pulmonary rehabilitation program, find one that offers education along with exercise sessions to help you adjust to life with COPD.

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Higher Temperatures Can Worsen Symptoms for COPD Patients

While summer may be officially ending, high temperatures may be destined to continue for a while in your area. This could mean continuing challenges for managing your COPD. A Johns Hopkins University study, presented at the 2015 American Thoracic Society’s International Conference, revealed that higher temperatures can cause negative health issues for COPD patients, while cooler temperatures may benefit them.

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Exercise Is Especially Important for Those With COPD

We know that a regular exercise program is good for all of us – but it’s absolutely essential for those with COPD. Even the most limited patient can achieve dramatic improvement by gradually increasing daily exercise.

However, starting an exercise program can be the hardest part of exercising. PERF board member Mary Burns, RN, has written a very useful article on our website about how to get started exercising.

Here’s her advice in a nutshell.

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