Practical Ways to Increase Physical Activity When You Have COPD [VIDEO]

Drs. Barry Make, Richard Casaburi, and Bruce Bender continue their roundtable discussions about COPD; this time they talk about practical ways to increase physical activity when you have COPD.

This is one of a series of four videos about COPD funded by AstraZeneca. See prior weeks’ posted videos about the benefits and challenges of physical activity for COPD patients, the effects of lowered activity levels on COPD patient outcomes, and the benefits of increasing patient engagement in managing their COPD.

  • Sharon
    Posted at 07:57h, 05 January Reply

    I have COPD it’s a horrible diease. I cry so much, because I can’t to the things I did before. It’s 12yrs with it now….it will never get better..

    • PERF
      Posted at 10:04h, 18 January Reply

      Dear Sharon,

      I am distressed by your email and your suffering, which may be unnecessary. You must make an appointment with your pulmonologist right now and let him know how depressed you are. If you are not seeing a pulmonologist get a referral to one and to a pulmonary rehabilitation program.

      There is no way to help you without knowing more about your condition. Always remember that COPD is no longer the death sentence it was once thought to be. Of course you can’t do what you did 12 years ago! Few people can. But, you CAN be helped.

      I have had patients who were wheeled into our rehabilitation program after being in a wheel chair, or even a bed, for weeks or months. In 6 weeks they were walking an hour a day! You too can be helped! Your shortness of breath can be helped! Believe me!

      You have provided so little information that I don’t know where to start so, the first step is up to you. See your pulmonologist. Try to get a referral to a pulmonary rehabilitation program. Read the articles of interest in the blogs and on our web site under “Education”. Call local hospitals to see if there are any patient support groups you can attend. Then e-mail back and we will see what else can be done to help.

      We look forward to hearing from you after you have seen your pulmonologist and tried some of these suggestions. We do care!

      On behalf of PERF,

      Mary Burns, RN, BS
      Assistant Clinical Professor, School of Nursing, UCLA (ret)

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    Posted at 08:20h, 31 January Reply

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