Richard Casaburi Featured in Inaugural Issue of LA BioMed’s BioBeat

Just last week, PERF President Dr. Richard Casaburi was featured on the front page of the first edition of BioBeat, the Science Newsletter for LA BioMed. The article gives an interesting overview of Dr. Casaburi’s career and how he came to become a preeminent leader in COPD research. Here’s how the article begins:

For Richard Casaburi, PhD, MD, his groundbreaking research began with a

simple but profound finding from exercise studies. Working with others, he

documented the fact that breathing during exercise becomes easier as people

exercised more.

“We came to recognize that exercise training modified the way the body

responds to exercise in very profound ways,” Dr. Casaburi said.

The article goes on to reveal that, in his early years of work, Dr. Casaburi conducted studies on the relationship between exercise and breathing in healthy people, then turned his attention to this exercise/breathing relationship in those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Click here to read the full article, reprinted on this blog with the permission of BioBeat.


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