Ted Koppel – CBS – Clearing the Air About COPD [VIDEO]

“COPD has an image problem,” says Ted Koppel, Senior Contributor to CBS Sunday Morning, whose wife Grace Anne was diagnosed with the disease 16 years ago.

“I call it the Rodney Dangerfield of diseases,” says Grace Anne, “because ‘It don’t get no respect.’

If they smoked, COPD sufferers are often blamed for their disease. But while smoking is the single most significant cause of COPD, often other factors such as pollution or work environment are the contributing causes. And while 16 million Americans have been diagnosed with the disease and another 10 to 15 million may have COPD but have not yet been diagnosed, awareness of the disease is low.

The single most effective treatment, pulmonary rehabilitation, is available to only a few because COPD rehabilitation programs are few and far between. Funding for pulmonary rehabilitation centers and for finding a cure for COPD are sorely needed.

Watch the CBS Sunday Morning special, featured below, to learn about a new campaign to raise awareness and funding for COPD research and treatment. Or click here to go to the CBS News website to see the video.

  • Susan Sheppard
    Posted at 18:42h, 13 December Reply

    Thank you for posting this important interview & special.

    • PERF
      Posted at 12:51h, 21 December Reply

      You’re very welcome!

  • Paula
    Posted at 05:18h, 17 December Reply

    Only scan this so far but see no, mentioned so far, have the genetic Factor alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency. Can develop COPD with no smoking history or exposure additional Treatment available for this as well as the standard COPD pulmonary Rehabilitation as a factor in dealing with thison

    • PERF
      Posted at 13:03h, 21 December Reply

      Thank you for writing, Paula. We published a post on alpha 1 back in August of this year. You can read it here.

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    Posted at 08:30h, 01 January Reply

    […] …Watch the video […]

  • Basil
    Posted at 06:27h, 07 June Reply

    So helpful If only to know the truth as unpalatable as
    It is.surely this is a global problem giving support
    And research to sufferers of such a difficult
    Illness to handle

    • Harry Rossiter
      Posted at 21:26h, 15 June Reply

      Dear Basil,

      Yes, this is a global problem that is just beginning to get the recognition it deserves after years of denial by tobacco companies. With so little funding from the government wouldn’t it be wonderful if more millionaires dedicated some of their great wealth for research and support pulmonary rehabilitation? Thanks for showing your interest in this huge neglected problem.

      Warm regards,

      Mary Burns, RN, BS

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