Two New Studies for IPF Patients

Two new studies are gearing up at LA BioMed for IPF patients to begin mid-2019.

“There are some small hints in the scientific literature that exercise training, as part of a pulmonary rehabilitation program, might help to slow the rapid decline in lung function seen in some IPF patients.”

– Principal Investigator, Dr. Harry Rossiter.

PERF board members, Dr. William Stringer and Dr. Harry Rossiter hope to identify whether reducing inflammation through exercise training – either on its own, or combined with anti-inflammatory medication – may potentially protect against lung function decline and ameliorate the negative effects of comorbid conditions.

Contact the Rehabilitation Clinical Trials Center at LA BioMed on +1 310 222-8200 or see for more information.

Those interested in this topic should read The clinical course of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and its association to quality of life over time: longitudinal data from the INSIGHTS-IPF registry. 

idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

  • Gordon Strickland
    Posted at 09:16h, 05 April Reply

    I am proof that exercising improves the quality of life in COPD patients

    • Linda Tift
      Posted at 16:45h, 19 April Reply

      @ Gordon Strickland: How are you proof?

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