What Happens When You Have COPD And Lower Your Physical Activity: A Roundtable Discussion [VIDEO]

Drs. Barry Make, Richard Casaburi, and Bruce Bender continue their roundtable discussions about COPD; this time they talk about what happens when a COPD patient reduces physical activity levels. They explain that the activity level in everyday life is the best predictor of outcomes in patients with COPD, such as whether a patient will be hospitalized or even die.  The prediction power of activity level is even better than the patient’s fitness level or even lung function. So increasing physical activity is the key component of managing COPD symptoms.

The above is one of a series of four videos about COPD funded by AstraZeneca. See last week’s posted video about the benefits and challenges of physical activity and check back in future weeks for posts featuring the remaining videos in the series.


  • Dorothy Ferrington
    Posted at 13:19h, 21 December Reply

    I so agree with your discussion. In spite of the COPD issues I have, I have a greater desire to do activities I love — hiking, bicycling, fly fishing. I have been able to accomplish a lot of goals hiking (distance & elevation gains) because of my love for hiking trails. Looking at hiking trails in magazines sets my heart pounding. Fly Fishing is something I enjoy doing with my adult son, and I cannot afford to give up this shared activity. It is a new skill, and learning new skills motivates me. I make myself physically ready so I can keep up with him. I gain knowledge on fly fishing, so I can contribute to our conversations.

    • PERF
      Posted at 18:37h, 10 January Reply

      These are all such healthy activities, Dorothy, and we commend your very positive attitude. Keep going!

  • Pingback:Practical Ways to Increase Physical Activity When You Have COPD [VIDEO] | PERF 2nd Wind Blog
    Posted at 09:14h, 26 June Reply

    […] posted videos about the benefits and challenges of physical activity for COPD patients, the effects of lowered activity levels on COPD patient outcomes, and the benefits of increasing patient engagement in managing their […]

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