European Respiratory Society Honors PERF’s Dr. Richard Casaburi with its Top Award

In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the strengthening of respiratory medicine worldwide, Dr. Richard Casaburi, received the 2020 Presidential Award from the European Respiratory Society.

Professor Casaburi completed his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). He followed this with a master’s degree and doctorate in biomedical engineering from RPI, before completing a post-doctoral fellowship in biomedical engineering at the University of Southern California. Five years after joining the Department of Medicine faculty at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Professor Casaburi returned to school to pursue a medical degree at the University of Miami School of Medicine in Florida. He completed an internship, residency and pulmonary fellowship at Harbor-UCLA and rejoined the faculty of the Division of Respiratory Medicine. He became Chief of the Division and served in this position for six years. He is currently Associate Chief for Research in the Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Physiology and Medicine. He has occupied the Grancell/Burns Chair in the Rehabilitative Sciences at the Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center since 2001.

Professor Casaburi established the Rehabilitation Clinical Trials Center in 1999. A clinical research facility dedicated to improving the lives of COPD patients, Professor Casaburi and his group of investigators have completed more than 75 clinical research studies, including participation in three major NIH multicenter projects. He has been invited to present over 750 lectures on the topics of respiratory physiology, exercise science, pulmonary rehabilitation and COPD disease management, and has published more than 340 papers and 300 abstracts: his papers have received over 69,000 citations.

Professor Casaburi is a Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and is a member of the inaugural class of Fellows of the European Respiratory Society. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the COPD Foundation and is immediate past chair of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Assembly of the American Thoracic Society.

You may know Professor Casaburi because, since 1993, he has served as President of the Pulmonary Education and Research Foundation – a non-profit foundation dedicated to advancing the scientific basis and practice of pulmonary rehabilitation. It is likely that many of our blog readers will have met Professor Casaburi at one of the many visits he made over the years to patient support groups around the Los Angeles area. However, if you have not met him, you can watch several of his patient-oriented presentations on COPD or pulmonary rehabilitation on our videos page.

All the PERF family is delighted to congratulate Rich on this singular honor!

  • Harry Rossiter
    Posted at 09:45h, 07 August Reply

    Congratulations Dr Casaburi! Only one person is honored in this way each year. This is huge honor, from (probably) the biggest respiratory medicine conference in the world. It is also very well deserved. Thank you for all your years of research and hard work to develop and promote the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation for patients around the world!

  • Karen Deitemeyer
    Posted at 07:23h, 08 August Reply

    Congratulations!! And thank you for all that you have done and continue to do to make life better for respiratory patients like me.

    • PERF
      Posted at 12:00h, 09 August Reply

      Thank you, Karen.
      We couldn’t have accomplished very much without the participation of respiratory patients in our research.
      Rich Casaburi PhD, MD

  • Patricia J. Owens
    Posted at 19:24h, 09 August Reply

    I am very grateful for your time and effort you have put in for patients like me. Thank you so much and CONGRATULATIONS .

    • PERF
      Posted at 23:54h, 10 August Reply

      Dear Patricia,

      Thanks very much. We’ve made some progress, but we always wish for more.

      A lot of our work involves studies in which our patients agree to be poked and prodded in the interest of research. We always appreciate their participation.

      Please keep safe.

      Rich Casaburi

  • Cindy Schmitz
    Posted at 09:18h, 14 August Reply

    Congratulations to a real hero!! Thanks for all you’ve done to improve the lives of our patients!

    Cindy Schmitz RPFT, C-AE

  • Ronald Oudiz
    Posted at 19:04h, 15 August Reply

    A truly deserved honor, Rich.
    I am proud to have known you and to have benefited (and still benefiting!) from your wisdom.

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