Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week Is March 11-17

It’s time to celebrate the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) annual National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week. Contact your hospital, exercise facility, or outpatient rehabilitation center to see if they have any special events planned.  If not, make your own celebration: visit the gym, take a walk, commit to doing just a little bit more activity every day to increase your fitness level and your overall health.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week is also a good time to thank your medical care team for all that they do to help you live your best life with COPD. And thank yourself too, for keeping your body active, your attitude positive, and your health at the forefront of your life’s priorities. Bravo.

Feel free to click on the illustration below and print it out. Post it on your bulletin board, your refrigerator, or wherever it will remind you and inspire you to remember that in your life, Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week is every week.

pulmonary rehabilitation week logo

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